Climate and weather

The weather seems to be everybody's favorite topic of conversation in Britain. This is not because people are  particulary interested in it, but people have to talk about something and the weather serves as a convenient subject.
The main thing to say about the weather in Britain is that it unpredictable. There are weather forecasts on the radio and TV and in newspapers, but on the whole nobody belives them. In the last Britain was famous of fogs. The typical picture of London was a foggy November morning. Nowdays fog does not seem so common. As a rule the climate of the country depends on its geographical position. Being suurounded by the sea Britain enjoys a temperate wet climate. It is much milder than of a continental countries: it is warmer in winter and cooler in summer. It is never too cold or too hot there. It often rains and occasionally it snows. The two worst months in England are January and February.
In the south of England snow falls only a few times during the winter and never lies long. But it often rains and there are few sunny days in winter. The average winter temperature is between 3-7 degrees centigrade. In the north the winter is colder. It is as frosty in Scotland as it is in St. Petersburg. "Cold weather is more pleasant than wet weather", English people say. Spring is certaily the best season of the year in England.
And what is the climate like in Russian Federation? It is difficult to answer this question. The country is very lrge, that is why there are all sorts of weather in different regions. It is very cold in the the north most of the year; and it is rather warm in the south even in winter. The swimming season on the Black Sea coast lasts from May to November.
In the European part of the country summers are quite hot, the sky is cloudless, the sun shines most of the time, although it rains once in a while. The first half of autumn is rather warm, too. From October to March the weather is cold. There are some very severe frosts in winter, and there is a lot of snow.
In Siberia winter is quite cold, and severe frosts are common. Autumn comes earlier and summer later than in the European part of the country. The climate of Siberia is continental, so there are dry, hot summers and very cold winters.
The winters in Moscow are colder than in London. There is always a lot of snow in January and Februry. There is also a lot of wind in winter. The average temperture is 10-11 degrees centigrade below zero in January. Winter is a good time for such sports as skiing, hockey and skating.
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