Выпуск 7

Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели! Вот и подошло время седьмому выпуску моей рассылки!
Во-первых, хочу сказать что лучше всех домашнее задание выполнила Яна Калиниченко, Нина (sergej_mut@xxx.de), кстати Нина, извините меня за мою ошибку в вашем имени в прошлом выпуске:))) и Ольга Шаблий. И только сейчас до меня дошла отличная  работа с 4 выпуска Андрея (AndreyP@xxx.com). Поздравим наших отличников!

В этом выпуске вы найдете:
  1. Группа времен Perfect Continious
  2. Анекдот
  3. Устная тема Great Britain
  4. Диалоги на все случаи жизни
  5. Употребление артикля (по многочисленным просьбам читателей)
  6. Упражнение

Perfect Continious
Present Perfect Continious
Мы используем Present Perfect Continuous, когда мы говорим о действии (достаточно продолжительном), которое началось в прошлом и недавно (или только что) закончилось.

- She has been washing her hair, but it may be dry now.
- Bill has been dining with us tonight.
- I’ve just been having such a delightful chat with Margaret.

 Мы также используем Present Perfect Continuous, чтобы спросить или сообщить о том, как долго что-то длилось. К настоящему моменту действие (ситуация), возникшая в прошлом, только что закончилась (или еще продолжается).

- I have been writing for more than an hour.
- We’ve been staying here nearly a week.
- You have been making excuses for him all your life.

 Вы можете использовать Present Perfect Continuous с how long, for и since для описания периодических действий:

- She has been having English lessons since she was five.
- How long have you been playing tennis?

Past Perfect Continious

Past Perfect Continuous образуется при помощи глагола to be в Past Perfect + Participle 1 (had been doing). Past Perfect Continuous может обозначать действие, которое завершилось перед другим действием в прошлом.

- Although the sun was shining, it was still cold as it had been raining hard for two hours.
- He felt tired when he came home as he had been playing football.

Past Perfect Continuous также употребляется,чтобы показать, как долго что-либо происходило перед тем, как что-то еще случилось.

- She had been sleeping for two hours when we returned.
- It had been raining for an hour when I left home.

 Past Perfect Continuous (had been doing) - это прошедшее время от Present Perfect Continuous (have been doing).
 Некоторые глаголы (например, know) не могут использоваться в форме Continuous.

In a Catholic neighborhood of a small midwestern town, the faithful still
observed a meatless Friday. The lone Methodist resident, however,
frequently grilled steaks on his barbecue on Friday.
The neighbors figured if they could just get this fellow to convert, the
temptation would be eliminated. In time, they succeeded.
On the man's conversion day, the priest spoke directly to the newest member
of the flock. "You were born a Methodist," he intoned, "and you were raised
a Methodist. Now you are a Catholic."
Everything went well until the next Friday, when an overpowering aroma of
steak again filled the air. Searching for the source of the smell, the
neighbors finally found the new convert standing over his grill looking
down on a sizzling steak. "You were born a steer, you were raised a steer,"
he said to the steak, "but now you are a fish."

Как всегда - не смешно...Ну ничего, привыкайте к американскому юмору, это иногда бывает полезно.

Great Britain
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousand small island. Their total area is over 244 square kilometers.
The UK is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast respectively. The capital of the UK is London.
The British Isles are separated from the continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of GB is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.
Shakespeare called Britain a «precious stone set in the silver sea» because its natural beauty. It has a varied countryside where you can find mountains, plains, valleys and sandy beaches. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain, but it is only 1343 meters high.
There are a lot of rivers in GB, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one.
The UK is one of the world’s smaller country. Its population is over 58 million. About 80% of the population live in cities.
The UK is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding.
The climate in GB is mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream.
Сегодня, как вы видите слова вставлять не нужно, я посчитала, что это не нужно, так как текст сам по себе очень легкий и все слова вы без затруднения поймете.

About Weather
A:What's the weather today?              
B:The temperature has fallen again.      
A:I enjoy the cold weather.             
B:Don't you mind the cold?              
A:Not at all.I prefer a cold winter      
to a hot ,muggy summer.                   
B:I agree.After the terrible August      
we had last  year,low temperatures       
are kind of refreshing.                                         
A:In August there wasn't a breeze        
anywhere.There was ninety percent          
humidity, and the temperature stayed     
above ninety degrees for 15 straight      
B:It's six o'clock now.I'll turn on       
the radio.Let's listen to the weather       
Radio:As the cold front crosses the      
region tonight ,temperatures will          
drop considerably.The present              
temperature is 26 degrees.Tonight           
will be partly cloudy.Tomorrow will         
become sunny,windy,and very cold.          
High 20,low 16.Strong winds from            
the north will bring Arctic air to          
the region. Snow will develop at           
the end of the week.                                             

A:Did you listen to the weather fore-      
B:Yes,I did.The mild weather will        
continue.Scattered showers will occur     
tomorrow night.                            
A:And what about the day after tomorrow?  
B:Skies will begin to clear.Drier,colder 
air will arrive fron the north-west.Sunny  
but cold weather will prevail the day      
after tomorrow.
A :At this time of the year ,the weather  
is so changeable.

A:It's a beautiful day.                   
B:Yes.It's a fine day. The sun is shining.
A:It looks as if we are going to have     
a couple of fine days.                      ­
B:It's unusual weather for March.         
A:I hope that's the beginning of spring.  
B:I'm afraid the weather changes rather   
often.A sudden snowfall is quite possible.

Ну вот и поговорили о любимой теме английских дипломатов. Теперь вернемся к грамматике.

Article (A, An and THE)
 Рассмотрите такой пример:

In the shop I bought a hat and a dress. My sister liked the hat but she didn't like the dress.

Говорящий говорит a hat и a dress потому, что упоминает эти предметы впервые.
Во втором предложении эти существительные употребляются с определенным артиклем the,
так как эти предметы уже ранее упоминались. Рассмотрите еще несколько примеров:

- My little son likes to see "Tom and Jerry". This is a cartoon about a cat and a mouse. The cat tryes to catch the mouse and the mouse play
tricks on the cat.

- Once I saw a nightmare. The nigthmare was so horrible that I awoke.
My brother bought a car but he wasn't a very good driver and soon he  crashed the car.

Мы говорим a/an в случае, когда собеседник не знает, о каком предмете идет речь.

Когда собеседнику ясно, что мы имеем в виду, мы употребляем the:

- Tom sat down on a chair. (мы не знаем, на какой стул)
- Tom sat down on the chair nearest the door. (мы знаем, на какой стул)

с The употребляется, когда из ситуации ясно, какой конкретно предмет или лицо мы имеем в виду:

- Oh! Your house is so nice. Where is the living-room?
- Turn off the music, please.(= музыка, которая сейчас включена)
- I went to the airport by car so as not to be late. (= аэропорт этого города)

The также используется, когда речь идёт о полиции, армии и т.д.:

the police, the fire-brigade, the army, и the bank, the post-office,
the doctor, the dentist.

 - When Margaren saw that the house was on fire she called the fire-brigade.
- Yesterday I went to the bank to take some money from my account and then to the post-office to buy some envelopes.
- Last week Sam had a sorethroat and went to the doctor.(=к его доктору)

Остальные  случаи употребления артикля в следующих выпусках (ведь все сразу запомнить просто не реально)

Тест на знание всего курса по артиклю
1 Harold is ______ most obnoxious person I know.
a)-      b)the       c)a        d)an
2 Diana is ______ very nice person.
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
3 Last night we went out for ______ meal.
a)-      b)the       c)a        d)an
4 Tonight we are probably going to eat in ______ hotel restaurant and then get to bed early. I hate staying in hotels but it's part of the job.
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
5 I cannot remember if I saw that film on television or at ______ cinema.
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
6 Make sure you put your name at ______ end of the report.
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
7 I'm sure it won't be long before people are living and working in ______ space.
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
8 Have you already had ______ lunch?
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
9 I spoke to several people at the cocktail party. Was John ______ one with the red hair?
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
10 I'd like to invite him to ______ dinner next week, if that's OK with you.
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
11 Could you close ______ door, please? It's really cold.
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
12 We have got new offices near ______ centre of the city.
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
13 Have your new offices got ______ canteen?
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
14 For lunch I had a sandwich. I cannot remember what filling was in ______ sandwich.
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
15 When you come out the lift, you'll see two doors, ______ red one and ______ blue one. My door is ______ red one.
a)-         b) the/the/a        c) a/a/the            d) a/a/a           e) the/the/the
16 We need to do more for ______ poor.
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
17 The greatest invention of the 20th century is ______ computer.
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
18 I'm looking for ______ new job.
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
19 I saw ______ man going into the office. I don't know who ______ man was.
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
20 When you're ready, I'll take you to ______ airport
a)-       b)the      c)a         d)an
21 ______ United Nations
a)-      b)the
22 ______ U.S.A.
a)-      b)the
23 ______ U.S.
a)-      b)the
24 ______ Spain
 a)-      b)the
25 ______ British Airways
a)-      b)the
26 ______ N.A.T.O.
a)-      b)the
 27 ______ Far East
a)-      b)the
 28 ______ Japan
a)-      b)the
29 ______ Times Square
a)-      b)the
30 ______ World Bank
a)-      b)the
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