Riding the bus

A:Pardon me,do the buses stop here?      
B:YES,most downtown buses stop at this corner.                                 
A:I want to go to Washington Avenue. Can I take any bus that stops here?     
B:You can take any bus except number 12. The number 12 turns off at Richmond Street.                           
A: How often do the buses run?           
B:They are supposed to run according   to the schedule that you can see over there.In fact,the buses don't always   
  run on schedule.                      
A:What are the usual intervals between the bus arrivals?                   
B:About every fifteen minutes. You won't have to wait any longer. A bus is coming.It's number 5. You can take it.                        

B:A transfer,please.(Driver giving a transfer)                               
A:How much is the fare?
Driver: One dollar. 
A:Will you accept a dollar bill? 
D: No. Only exact change is accepted-coins or tokens.-Stand back from the door.Move to the rear. Let the        
passengers off.                     
A:I'm afraid of missing the public library.        
D: Which one?                  
A:The library on Washington Avenue. 
D:Okay.I'll tell you when you've      
to get off.                    
 (Several minutes later)                
D: Get off at the next stop. Cross the 
street.It's a big building. You can't    
miss the library there.            

Rider N:Would you point out the City Theater as we go by?                   
D:It's on Third Avenue. It's the next stop.                                   
N:Thank you.                           
  (At the stop)                            
D:Move along,please.There are many people waiting to get on.That's it.  I'm closing the door.
Another bus will be along in about five minutes.          

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