Getting Acquainted
Nick: Joyce, I'd like you to meet Victor.Joyce Gold-Victor Danin.            
Joyce:How do you do?  
Victor:Hello.It"s a pleasure to meet  you.
Nick:Victor is a friend of Frank"s. He arrived in New York a couple of  weeks ago.  
Joyce:Oh,where are you from?        
Victor:I"m from Moscow.    
Joyce:Moscow,USSR? You know,in America there are several towns named  Moscow. Are you an immigrant or are       ­
you just visiting relatives?          

Victor:I'm going to stay for good. It took me eight years to get my exit  visa.                                
Nick:Excuse me.There are the Millers. I must say hello to them.              
Joyce:How do you like America?       
V:I like it very much here.But for the time being,I've a lot of problems. 
J:Have you come with your family?     
V:Yes,I have.With my wife and my son.
J:What are your most urgent problems?  
V:First of all.I've to get a job.    
 J:What's your occupation?           
V:I'm electrical engineer.My wife is a draftsperson.             
J:Maybe I can help you to find a job.  I'm with an employment agency.Here     
is my card.Call me on Tuesday morning if it's convenient for you.
V:What's the best time to call you?   
J:After 10 A.M.                       
V:Thank you so much.I will certainly call you.                           
J:Your English sounds fine.           
V:Americans usually say that.They  are just polite.                    
J:We want to encourage you.You explain things pretty well. You are going to make it -no doubt.             
V:Thank you.You are very kind.        
J:It's getting late. I guess you don't  have a car yet.I'd be glad to give you  a ride.                              
V:I'd appreciate it very much.

Useful Expressions 

with pleasure                          
I fully agree                          
I hope we'll meet again           
what a pity                         
whenever you like                 
would you be so kind           
just a minute                      
just a moment           
nice meeting you            

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