Shopping for Clothing

Lev Shkolnik: Can you help me,       
Salesman:Yes,sir. What is it?        
L.S.:I'm looking for a flannel       
suit,size 40.                          
S:What color do you want?             
L.S.:I prefer something in gray.     
S:Here's an excellent suit in         
gray flannel.Will you try it on?      
L.S.:Yes,I will.Where is the        
fitting room?
S:Come this way.                     
L.S.:How does it look?                
S:It looks great.It's exactly your    
L.S.:How much is it?                  
S:This suit is on sale.It's         
only 115 dollars.                      
L.S.:All right.I'll take it.         

Saleswoman:May I help you?           
Olga Rozova:Yes,I'm looking          
for a blouses.
S:What's your size?                  
O.R.:I wear size 12.Could you         
show me some blouses in solid         
S:What colors do you want?           
O.R.:Yellow and white.                
S:They are over here.               
O.R.:What's the material?             
S:It's fifty percent cotton          
and fifty percent polyester.
O.R.:This white blouse looks nice.    
I'd like to try it on.               
S:The fitting room is to your left. 
O.R.:I think this blouse is all right
S:Very well,ma'am.Will that be cash   
or credit card?
 O.R.:I'd like to give you a check.   
S:We need at least one piece of      
O.R.:Here is my driver's license.      -
S:All right.We can accept your check. 
O.R.:These shoes are pretty. What    
colors do they come in?             
S:Presently we have them in brown     
and black.                            
O.R.:Could you show me the black      
shoes in a medium heel?               
S:We have them in a higher ,lower,    
and medium heel.Just a minute.I'll     
bring you the pair you wanted to see.  

 Yelena Polyakova: Yesterday I bought  
this skirt. I'd like a refund.         
Saleswoman: Do you have the receipt   
with you?
Y.P.:Yes,I do.                        
S.:You'll get your refund in room 208,
on the second floor. 

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