Preparing for a Job Interview

Jack: Now you have a reasonable resume.By reading it your potentional employer can see what abilities qualify you for          
a job as an electronics  engineer.Your job objective is indicated.I hope you revised resume will lead to job  interviews.                                 

Peter: When thinking of an  upcoming interview, I  am really scared.My english  is not good enough,and I don't know how to         
behave  when being interviewed.         

Jack:Before going to the interview, try to get  information about the company or  the job you would like to get into.            
For example, if you have an in terview at a large electronics firm,you will make a better impression when you are familiar         
with articles about that company. Doing anything well takes  some information.That implies to job hunting too.Any good library has books which will tell you the names of companies  in industries of interest to you, as well as the names of people representing those companies.         

Peter: You are perfectly right, Jack.But how can I overcome my nervousness?

Jack: If you are well informed your confidence is up. You are familiar with the American terminology in your field. You are           
an experienced specialist.People can tell when you are  well prepared. You will be asked questions that you  can  answer         
easily.You won't be nervous in an upcoming interview.Your best guide is to rely on  your  own  common sense.There are,however,         
some common rules for the interviews.                             

Peter: could  you give me some  examples?                           

Jack: When greeting the  representative of the company, wait  until he moves to shake hands.   You should also wait  until he        
offers you a seat.                    

Peter: But what about the usual  questions people are asked  in an interview?                       

Jack: The most common questions are, for instance: Why are you  interested in joining our company?-Why do you feel qualified       
for this job?-What do you know about the company?-Do you enjoy working with others? - Are you willing to work overtime? -Tell         
me about your experience. -What  can I do for you?                     

Peter: Are there any  surprise questions?                          

Jack: You should anticipate questions as: Why should I  hire you?-What are your three greatest strengths for this job?          

Peter: I see.These are rather tricky questions.Are there any topics I should avoid discussing with the interviewer?             

Jack: In discussing your  previos job, avoid  criticizing former employers or fellow workers.Don't discuss your personal,domestic or financial problems unless you are specifically asked about them.

Peter: If I am offered a job,is it appropriate to ask questions  referring to the salary?

Jack: Absolutely. You can state  the salary you want,but not until the employer has introduced  the subject.

Peter:I greatly appreciate your giving me this valuable information.
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