At the Drug Store

A:Could you fill this prescription?  
B:Just a minute .I've to check if we   have this in stock.Sorry.Today you  can get only 37 capsules.Is that  okay with you?     
A:All right. When will you have  the rest.                    

B:We owe you 23 capsules .Can you   drop in the day after tomorrow?              

A:Of course.I'll come the day after tomorrow if I can get the other capsules.     

B:That's for sure.                 
A:Should I pay now or later? 

B:Now will be fine.Have a seat,please. Your medication will be readyin five  minutes.I'll give you a receipt.I'll  indicate there that we owe you 23 capsules.  

C:Can I help you?          

D:Could you give me something for a toothache? 
C:I would recommend you Tylenol.It's  for temporary relief of minor pain.

D:Don't you have a painkiller?    
C:We 've plenty of them.But without  a doctor's prescription you can't    have it.                                      

C:Okay.What's to be done?Please give  me Tylenol,extra-strength-50 capsules.  I've to see my dentist anyway.               

G:Good evening.What can I do for you?        

H:I've a long list of things I need. Most items I can find on your shelves without any help.Please tell me only where I should look for vitamins and  adhesive tapes.                                   

G:Aisle3-for vitamins,Aisle2-for adhesive  tapes.Anything else?                             

H:Aspirin,a deodorant,shaving cream,and shampoo for my wife.     

G:You'll find aspirin in aisle 1. Aspirin comes in bottles of fifty,one hundred,and  two hundred tablets.In aisle 4,you can find deodorants,shampoos,and shaving creams. As to the shampoo,we have a special on a   new brand.                                        

H:Is it for oily hair?      
G:Yes,it is.       
J:That's the right thing for my wife. Thank you.Now I can find the items I  need without any difficulties.  
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