At the Doctor's Office

Secretary:Good morning.Can I help you?

Vladimir Rozov:Good morning.My name is   Rozov.I have an 11 o'clock appointment.    

S:Please,take a seat.The doctor will  see you soon.    
V.R.:Thank you.     

Doctor:Hello,Mr.Rozov.Come in,please. Sorry to have kept you waiting.
V.R.:That's all right.Did you get all  the test results? 
D:Yes,I got them last hight.As to the  tests,everything is okay.Your cardio  gram is normal too.  

V.R.:But what about the X-ray?Is anything  wrong?                                     

D:The X-ray shows emphysema.That's evidently the result of your heavy smoking.Your breath  shortness and your cough are probably caused by the emphysema.   
V.R.:Is that serious?       
D:It could become extremely serious. If you are worried about your health cut out your smoking.

V.R.:Certainly,I'll try to stop smoking.What else could you advise me to do for improving my health?          

D:You should do daily exercises.Eat  small meals four or five times a day.

V.R.:Do I have to go to the hospital?
D:No.I'll give you a prescription. Take the pills three times a day. I want you to see  me again  in three weeks.Stay well.                    

V.R.:Thank you ,doctor. 

Doctor:What 's troubling you? Patient:I've caught a cold.I have a sore throat and a bad cough.              

D:Put this thermometer under your  tongue.I want to see if you have  a fever.Let me see...Yes,you have  a temperature.When did you first   feel ill?                                   

P:A couple of days ago.  

D:Let me examine you .Take a deep breath.Now I want to test your blood pressure(testing blood pressure).Your blood pressure is slightly above normal, but nothing to worry about.Any other  trouble?                             

P:Doctor,I haven't been sleeping well.

D:I'll give you some sleeping pills.Take the tablets as prescribed-you take only one at bedtime.You must  stay in bed for several days until   your temperature has gone down.Here's   a prescription for your flu.Come in  again to see me in ten days. 
P:Okay.Thank you ,doctor.                

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