Asking for Directions
-Pardon me,sir.Could you tell me how to get to the bus terminal (post office,city hall,library etc.)? 
-Turn left(right)at the corner.
-Thank you. 
-You are welcome.

-I beg your pardon.Where's the nearest subway station(bus stop)?
-It's right down the street.

-it's three blocks from here.
-it's at the second corner.
-it's at the next corner.            
-What's the best way of getting to your place?
-Take the subway.Get off at Lincoln Center,turn right and walk two blocks.                                
-Good afternoon.I'd like to ask you  how to get to Brooklyn College?          
-Where are you starting from?          
- At Jackson Heights.               
-Roosevelt Avenue?                   
-That's correct.                      
-Take train number 7,get off at Times Square and transfer there  to train number 2. Get off at the   last stop.                            
-Is Brooklyn College within walking distance from there?                
-Yes,it is.                           
-Thank you.                            
-You are welcome.                      

Alexander can't find his way to Edward's home.Edward gives him directions on the phone.                 

-Hi,Alexander.Where are you? At  the corner of Taylor Avenue and  Duke Street? Wait there.I'll be  there in five minutes.              
-It's not necessary. I drove the car from New Haven. Give me the directions. I'll find my way.                      
-All right. Go north on Duke Street  to Shore Drive. You can't miss the  large supermarket there. Turn left there.Continue on Stevenson Avenue to Fourth Street. Make a right turn and go to the middle of the block.  I'll wait for you in front of the house.
-I got it.See you soon,Edward.       
-I'm afraid we're lost.               
-We'd better ask for directions.       
-Okay.I'll ask at the next gas station. Stopping in front of a gas station:  -How do we get to York Village?       
-You're going west, but you should  be going east.                      
-Should we make a U-turn?        
-Yes. Make a U-turn and go straight.Then turn to the right at  the traffic lights. That's interstate 95. Take interstate 95 for about 15 miles    
and then get off at Roundview.You can't  miss your destination.             
-Thank you very much.    


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